Chandler, Arizona, United States

There's an old saying. If you don't want someone to join a crowd, you ask them, "If everyone were jumping off of a cliff, would you?" Well, I have. So my answer would be "Yes". True story.
Profile continued . . .

Old People Will Be Different in the Future. I Promise.

Friday, June 02, 2006

this entry brought to you by sleater-kinney, "what's mine is yours"

One of the frustrating aspects about old people-- and there are a long list of them-- is their complete and utter bafflement at anything even remotely technological, and their rigid stubbornness with not bothering to learn anything about it. People often say, especially people older than me, that when my generation gets that age, we'll be the same way: technologically oblivious. I couldn't disagree more. There are people living now at a certain age who hadn't even seen a car until well into their teenage years, and things like the radio were seen as technological wonders. Even as late as 1933, in the original King Kong, airplanes were still so new that the movie introduced them as a last-ditch hope of killing the ape, it was a crazy, off-the-wall idea.

On the contrary, technology was ubiquitous in American lives by the time that I was born, and although it will only become more so, I'm of the generation that grew up with technology right as it began to evolve at a lightning pace. I'm of the generation born with an open mind towards new things, a generation that doesn't fear that computers will replace a human being's job, that will figure things out through trial and error quicker than reading an instruction manual. Hell, back in the later 1980's, any kid that had a Nintendo was automatically an entry-level engineer within three months of owning it, because there wasn't a kid with one that couldn't tell you exactly what was wrong with it when it didn't work and how to fix it, and that thing stopped working a lot.

When my generation turns 80, and we all have computer chips in our brains to download information directly off of virtual servers, we'll still be grumpy and wish for the good ol' days of universal remote controls, pocket translators, polyphonic ring tones, and salad shooters, but we won't be calling up the return and exchanges department at Dell complaining "I just had my chip installed in my brain and the gad-dern thing doesn't work! I want a new one!" only to be told that it's not even turned on.

yesterday, last year i'm the first to admit the strokes, the killers, and franz ferdinand are overrated. but i like them anyway.

on this day last year what must it be like to be a common thug when superman's having a bad day?

with love from CRS @ 9:52 PM 


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