Chandler, Arizona, United States

There's an old saying. If you don't want someone to join a crowd, you ask them, "If everyone were jumping off of a cliff, would you?" Well, I have. So my answer would be "Yes". True story.
Profile continued . . .

Sharks Are Not Very Intelligently Designed

Thursday, July 07, 2011

this entry brought to you by the postal service, "such great heights"

A Jehova's Witness approached Michelle yesterday, and handed her a copy of Watchtower Magazine, which is that pamphlet they hand you. And, for shits and giggles, she decided to read it. And shits and giggles is what we got.

If you could feel [shark skin], you would discover that it actually has a texture like sandpaper when you move your hand from the tail toward the head. Consider: The tiny grooved scales that produce this effect help the shark in two ways. First, they channel the water, allowing the shark to swim with minimal resistance. Second, the scales flex as the shark swims, creating an unstable surface so that parasites cannot find a home there... What do you think? Did the shark's skin-- with its energy efficient, hygenic properties-- come about by chance? Or was it designed?

Now, since this is coming from Watchtower Magazine, we know which side this is leading. And the thing is, if you were looking for an answer to a question you've already asked, IE, "Is God great and all-powerful?", then this might seem like a very convincing argument. But the thing is, if you zero in on one specific aspect of an animal, any animal, yes, they're fucking magnificent and ceaselessly complicated.

...Except that, for example, in the shark's case, they cannot stop swimming or else they will drown. This isn't just not intelligently designed, this is absolutely fatally designed. While there are many varieties of sharks that can in fact stop swimming, the ones you think of when you think "shark", the Great White, the Mako, the Whale Shark, die for the simple reason that they decided to nap for more than a few minutes. This is a dramatic oversight for a creature that lives in water. Imagine if you were "designed" to choke to death if you ever stopped riding a bike.

You and I are absolutely amazing creatures, but we are also very stupidly designed in more than one aspect. Yes, we've got great big brains and we're all sexy and stuff, but our eyes-- which, might I add, are attached directly to our brain, which is otherwise protected by a huge layer of bone-- are the most vulnerable part of our bodies. They have absolutely not protection against basically anything, meaning running into a low hanging branch at a weird angle can completely destroy your eyeball. And, unlike other parts of our bodies, it won't grow back!

Our genitals are on the outside of our body, and what's more, they smell, meaning absolutely every animal that wants to kill us is completely aware of our external genitals, and will always, always, always strike there first. A man can be completely disabled temporarily by the slightest brush against his testicles. Try kicking any other mammal in the balls and you're going to have an angry and totally not disabled animal on your hands.

But man, isn't skin totally incredible? It like, protects our organs and shit from the weather! God is great!

with love from CRS @ 11:13 AM 


don't forget that your skin can burn. that's awesome!

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