Chandler, Arizona, United States

There's an old saying. If you don't want someone to join a crowd, you ask them, "If everyone were jumping off of a cliff, would you?" Well, I have. So my answer would be "Yes". True story.
Profile continued . . .


Sunday, July 10, 2011

this entry brought to you by dr dog, "we all belong"

SUNNYVALE-- Students and faculty Lyndon Johnson High School in Sunnyvale, CA were shocked to learn that the life of Melisa Kinter, a 17 year old Junior, was cut unexpectedly and tragically short in a car accident this past weekend. Kinter and three friends had been leaving a party intoxicated when their vehicle collided with a tree approximately fifty feet away from their departure point. There was one other death in the accident; the remaining two girls are in critical condition.

Friends, classmates, and well wishers sobbed openly this morning outside of the high school over the tragedy.

Nelson Zerbe, Kinter's boyfriend, said that this was something he absolutely would not be getting over soon.

"I found out this morning and I just couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe that she's gone, and that she'll never be back. I feel so selfish, but I can't help but wish it was one of the other girls that died. I just don't know why it had to be Melisa," said a tearful Zerbe.

"Everyone in this school knew that I was fucking her, we fucked all the time. I can't believe this is happening. Now who can I possibly fuck that will make everyone envious? Nobody, that's who. I could fuck a hundred girls in this school, and none of them would make me as popular as fucking just Melisa Kinter. She will be missed."

Lance Dionisio, who lived across the street since their childhood, and had been her best friend for the entirety of his memory, expressed similar sentiments through tears.

"Melisa and I have known each other since we were little tiny children. She knew my deepest, most personal thoughts, and I knew everything about her. None of my other friends have that with me. None. And even if I make friends that last into adulthood, she was the only one that had known me since I was a child," said Dionisio, wearing a homemade t-shirt with the words "Melissa We Miss You".

"The only thing she didn't know was how much I wanted to fuck her," Dionisio confessed. "Ever since I was a kid and we played doctor together, I knew I wanted to fuck her, even though I didn't know what that was. I just knew I wanted my penis to touch her. I just kept waiting and waiting for her to dump that jerk Nelson, and then she would be mine. Now I'll have to be stuck losing my virginity to that dweeb Amy Berardi because she's the only girl I know that actually has a crush on me."

Melisa Kinter even had an effect on students who didn't know her personally.

"I'm kind of considered a nerd so we didn't hang out or anything," said a visibly distraught Clayton Wilbourn, "but of course I knew who she was. She was super nice, was always super friendly to me, always wore tight shorts with something written on the ass. I can't believe she's gone. I mean, my relationship with her won't change-- I'll still masturbate thinking about her-- but I can't believe that she's gone. Makes me wish I had at least kept some of her hair from her comb or rubbed semen on her backpack or something when I had the chance."

Kinter even had an impact on the staff of Johnson High School, with Principal Allan Hanlin commenting, "It's always a tragedy, just a tragedy when these sorts of things happen. Every single student that I lose in my tenure will haunt me forever. But I hope that I can turn this into a learning moment, and teach students that underage drinking so often leads to tragic results."

"Beyond that," Principal Hanlin added, "I would like to say that I'm a happily married man who would never, ever do something as disgusting as fuck a 17 year old girl, nor even think about doing such a thing, and a man my age who does think those things should be arrested. But even I have to admit that that girl was quite fuckable, and were I her age, I would probably have punched a guy twice my size in the dick if it meant fucking that girl once. What I'm saying is I would have hoped that, once she had reached the age of 18 or 19, that she would have enjoyed a career in pornography. Now we will never know."

School officials said that they would be mourning the loss of the other girl that died and pray that the remaining two get better, except that nobody knew who they were and, therefore, could not give a shit.

with love from CRS @ 12:41 PM 


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