Chandler, Arizona, United States

There's an old saying. If you don't want someone to join a crowd, you ask them, "If everyone were jumping off of a cliff, would you?" Well, I have. So my answer would be "Yes". True story.
Profile continued . . .

A Girl I Know Who Parties to the Point of Absurdity

Thursday, January 31, 2008

this entry brought to you by nirvana, "about a girl"

There's a girl I know who works at the same store I do. She's a supervisor where I work-- not my supervisor, but a supervisor, and I see her frequently. I'm going to say that she's between the ages of 20 and 26-- she's got that look where you can tell she's young, if you were a bouncer you would definitely card her, but she might be as old as a college graduate, possibly even a post-grad. She's very pretty.

I saw her last Saturday night at midnight, right as she was clocking out. She had ducked into the cash office and had changed her clothes, and was now dressed extremely sharply. She bought some liquor and headed out with a friend, obviously out to party. At about 4:50 in the morning-- I work the graveyard shift, and our store closes at 12-- she and her friend showed back up for, from what I could tell, no reason. And she was drunk as hell. She wasn't exactly falling down drunk, but she was so drunk she couldn't form complete sentences, and I would say perhaps just a beer or two away from being falling down drunk. The two of them basically stood there and giggled, and when directly asked something, would start a response and would abruptly stop, as if stopping themselves from what they were about to say for whatever reason, completely forget what they were about to say or why they stopped themselves, and would then have a giggle fit. Jokingly, a friend of mine and I told her to flash us. I had initially mentioned it completely as a smart-ass, not even hoping that she would, because we were there in the store, security cameras all around. She stood there, as if thinking about it, kind of made a motion like she was going to do it, then had a giggle fit and said she wasn't going to. Well, actually, she didn't say anything, just kind of gurgled a "no" noise while shaking her head with a giant grin on her face. She and her friend waved goodbye, walked outside, slid the doors close, and up came her grinning face as she pulled down her shirt from outside.

I saw her two days later and I came up to her and I said, smirk on my face, "Do you remember anything at all about coming to work Saturday night at 5 in the morning?" She laughed and said yes, she and her friend had come over to buy stuff, but they forgot the store was closed. They wanted to buy stuff because they were going to drive out to San Diego, which is about, oh, five hours away, and they were driving all night. They had apparently left directly from the store when I saw the two of them, when they were so drunk they could barely speak.

Then she told me that when she got to San Diego, a friend called her and complained because the two of them were supposed to hang out the previous night and she had forgotten, so at 3 in the afternoon they arrived back in Phoenix and she went out with her second friend and partied until she had to work at seven. She took a long sigh and said that she was exhausted, but she had promised another friend she would go out and party at the club, so it was going to be hours before she got home. This whole time she'd only slept in the car on the way to and on the way back from San Diego. When she told me this, I was flabberghasted. Wanting to go out and have fun was one thing, but she seemed to be partying herself into oblivion. She is like an after school special with the ending not quite written yet, but obvious where it's going to go.


with love from CRS @ 10:18 AM 


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