Chandler, Arizona, United States

There's an old saying. If you don't want someone to join a crowd, you ask them, "If everyone were jumping off of a cliff, would you?" Well, I have. So my answer would be "Yes". True story.
Profile continued . . .

The Military and The Police Are the Exact Same Thing

Thursday, April 19, 2007

this entry brought to you by nine inch nails, "capital g"

People hate cops. "Fuckin' pigs!" they say. "Why do they gotta fuck with everyone? I fuckin' hate cops! Go find a donut shop, fuckin' cop!"

But as soon as somebody badmouths the military, these are the first people to say "Hey! Those guys are out there fuckin' risking their lives every single day protecting your freedoms! How would you like it if suddenly you had no freedoms, because there was no one there to protect them? Support the troops!"

Just to straighten things out for you: the military and the police are the exact same thing. One of them is risking his life every single day pulling your dumb ass over because you were going past the speed limit so you don't hit another human being and kill them. The other is risking his life targeting camps of terrorists and blowing them up so they don't target another human being and kill them. They both tend to have a percentage of people who tend to get off on power, more so than other jobs. They both have mounds of bullshit red tape. They both have space for way too much corruption. They both have good people working for them just trying to do the right thing, but are overshadowed by the few apples that ruin the bunch, and they both get no appreciation when they try to do something about it.

The only difference between the military and the police is the size of their standard issue weapons and the size of the apology when an innocent person gets killed. If a cop kills somebody innocent, you get a formal apology and a cop gets suspension with pay for a couple weeks. That might not seem like much, but if the military kills somebody innocent, oops. Well, that's the cost of freedom. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. And also, nobody pays any attention to all the good we've done! We just built a hospital! Huh? How's that!

on this day last year a belated easter entry. myself, i thought, and still think, this entry is frigging hilarious. but for some reason response wasn't as good as i had expected it to be. the three people that read it didn't really laugh, and that was frustrating. well anyway, i think it's grade-a, so give it a read.

with love from CRS @ 6:59 AM 


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