Chandler, Arizona, United States

There's an old saying. If you don't want someone to join a crowd, you ask them, "If everyone were jumping off of a cliff, would you?" Well, I have. So my answer would be "Yes". True story.
Profile continued . . .

Fuck Pluto.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

this entry brought to you by the yeah yeah yeahs, "gold lion"

No, seriously, fuck Pluto. When everyone learned that Pluto officially had been declassified as a full-fledged planet-- or is that unclassified?-- it was all "Oh, poor Pluto," this, and "What did Pluto do to deserve this kind of treatment?" that. Well, let me ask you: What has Pluto done for you? How many times have you even seen pictures of Pluto? That one picture where Pluto looks like a blurry dot? Please. Real planets kick ass and take names. Jupiter filled our heads with images of that terrifying storm that looks like a gigantic picked scab that never goes away. Saturn has its majestic rings. Mars is mysterious, cold, and red, and gave us visions of Martians invading us. Venus is the frigging North Star. Uranus has a silly name. Pluto? Nothing but a retarded orbit and a few blurry pictures. The only reason anyone cares about Pluto is because of that silly rhyme they learned in grade school they used as a mnemonic device to remember the order of the planets, and now without Pluto they're afraid it'll throw the rhythm of that rhyme off. Big frigging deal. We have to put our foots down somewhere. If we let Pluto stay a planet, we have to let all sorts of retarded masses of dirt floating near our Solar System become planets, and that'll really fuck up your little rhyme. So I say fuck Pluto. It probably wouldn't have voted to keep us if we were possibly getting kicked out of the Solar System. I mean, I can't say that for certain, but I don't trust it. Nothing with that kind of orbit can be trusted to have your back.

on this day last year my then three-year-old daughter thought she'd read me green eggs and ham, and this is exactly what she said, word for word.

with love from CRS @ 9:36 AM 


Get your facts straight, CRS! Venus is the morning or evening star. Polaris is the North Star.
Jesus Christ, I'm never reading this site again!!

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